Patrick Goddard ‘Die Biester’


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Patrick Goddard ‘Die Biester’
Spheres Projects & E-Werk – Galerie für Gegenwartskunst

April 2022
First edition
Softcover with UV-Print
200 × 280 mm
Black, 216 pages
500 copies

ISBN 978-3-9525645-0-9

With a contribution by Heidi Brunnschweiler, Director and curator of E-Werk – Galerie für Gegenwartskunst in Freiburg (Germany)

In the photo book ‘Die Biester’, Goddard portrays the urban space, increasingly dominated by real estate speculation and regulatory control, as an ironically distorted, model-like dystopian microcosm, in which the wild is relegated to niches and where only those survive who best adapt to the changing environmental conditions.

The British artist Patrick Goddard has been an observer of urban space for many years. In his work he explores the ever-advancing urbanisation in the post-industrial, late-capitalist world. Using the human-animal relationship, the end of wilderness and the question of what it means to live in an increasingly artificial, commercialised environment, he deals with the consequences of the destruction of natural habitats in the advancing Anthropocene. With a combination of black humour and an aesthetic of irreverence, the artist thinks speculatively about future, possibly post-human forms of life. Goddard is represented by Seventeen Gallery in London.